Teacups - 2023
Teacups is a short animated mental health documentary about the story of Don Ritchie, narrated by Hugo Weaving. A story so unique to Sydney, Teacups explores Don’s experience with countless suicidal individuals, and the hundreds of lives he saved. The film asks, can a simple act of kindness save a life?
I worked on Teacups as executive producer from 2020 - 2023.
Best animated short - Sydney Film festival (AUS)
Best animated short - Flickerfest animation (AUS)
Best animated short - St Kilda Film festival (AUS)
Best in show - Park Animation festival (CAN)
Special mention - Palm Springs short fest (USA)
Special mention - Best short short at Aspen film festival (USA)
Official selection - Animafest Zagreb (CRO)
Official selection - Festival international de cine en Guadalajara (MEX)
Nominated for the Academy Awards 24' for Best Animation (USA)
Website: https://teacupsanimation.com
Enigma - 2019
What is the product of a 7 year nightlife lockdown and a virus that froze the world? The rebirth of Sydneys turbo underground music scene.
Enigma is a documentary I directed, shot and edited in 2019. It’s a raw insight into Sydney’s underground music evolution from the early 90’s to post lockout laws, narrated and driven by 90’s trance DJ, Matrix. Alongside the underground evolution, we follow the offspring of a dull city - a young rave crew itching to have fun.
Super rusty, it’ll make you smile.